December 6 12:00:00, 2002JPEG
The snow storm that crossed the middle and eastern United States on December 4th and 5th left a footprint across the country which was visible to SeaWiFS as it flew overhead on December 6, 2002.
Provided by the SeaWiFS Project, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, and ORBIMAGE.
The season's first snowfall blankets portions of the East and South with icy precipitation and up to 10 inches snow.
Snow cover sprawled across the northeastern United States in early March 2013, in the wake of a winter storm.
The storm that hammered New England on January 12, 2011, is a classic, comma shaped Nor’easter, as shown in this photo-like image.
Snow cover sprawled across the northeastern United States in early March 2013, in the wake of a winter storm.
The storm that hammered New England on January 12, 2011, is a classic, comma shaped Nor’easter, as shown in this photo-like image.