Forests west of Mount Tavurvur got a fresh coat of ash after Rabaul volcano erupted explosively on August 29, 2014.
Published Sep 3, 2014Ash rises above restive Tavurvur Cone on New Britain Island.
Published Aug 7, 2013Rabaul Volcano released a plume of ash and steam on the morning of September 30, 2009.
Published Sep 30, 2009Rabaul Volcano released a plume of ash and steam on the afternoon of September 10, 2009.
Published Sep 10, 2009Acquired August 28, 2009, this true-color image shows a plume blowing away from Rabaul Volcano, tracing a path roughly parallel to the coastline of New Ireland.
Published Aug 28, 2009Acquired August 14, 2009, this true-color image shows a faint but detectable plume from Rabaul bowing along the coast of New Ireland.
Published Aug 14, 2009Acquired August 9, 2009, this image shows a mostly white plume from Rabaul Volcano blowing northwest toward the island of New Ireland.
Published Aug 10, 2009Acquired August 4, 2009, this true-color image of Rabaul Volcano shows a faint, dull plume south of the volcanic summit, curving westward.
Published Aug 5, 2009MODIS captured an image of a small plume from Rabaul Volcano on April 3, 2009.
Published Apr 3, 2009